Better Alumni Data. Stronger Prospect Research.

Use AlumniFOX to find alumni, track job changes, enrich real-time data and match records to unique IDs - all in one place.


Find and prospect all your alumni in real-time on autopilot

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Easily track any job changes or promotions monthly and quarterly

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Enrich & Match

Enrich & match all alumni with 60+ firmographic & demographic data points

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Powering the top Universities & Colleges

Join our clients in saving hundreds of hours per year on prospect research

Built & Optimized for advancement

AlumniFOX allows you to centralize all your prospect research by aggregating real-time data & insights on all alumni that exist online - across publically available records.

Track any changes in companies, roles, or locations. Enrich with a 5-step email verification process. Match all new records found to your constituents' unique identifier.

A technology-first approach to alumni employement data

Built with security and ease-of-use in mind.

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Fast & secure

We've released hundreds of features to help you manage your alumni securely

Verified Emails

AlumniFOX uses a 5-step email verification process that's the most accurate in the industry

Accuracy Guaranteed

Refresh every 3 months. Never miss when an alumni changes jobs or gets promoted.


Our systems operate with 99.9%+ uptime and is certified with the highest standard.

60+ Data Attributes for laser precise targeting and enrichment

Job Title



Company Start Date

Business Emals

LinkedIn Profile

Matching Gifts

Role Duration

Find & locate all your alumni's employment data in real-time

Pull real-time employment data and geo-locate with just one click

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Track alumni job changes and promotions with JobTracker PRO

Easily track alumni job changes or promotions on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis maximizing efficiency for your data quality

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Match back new data to your constituents' unique ID

Built-in matching service to easily link new data found to your existing data using your unique identification number

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Data enrichment made easy

Real-time data enrichment for all alumni found and tracked placed in your dashboard

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Enable API Access & Integrations

Built with security and easy-of-use in mind.

Unique IDs

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Simple Pricing

Start for free and scale with the Pro plan. With AlumniFOX, the more records we find, the lower the cost.


$.00 /record

Full Name

Job Title




Company Start Date

Promotion Start Date

JobTracker PRO

LinkedIn Profile

Business Email Address


$.25 /record

Full Name

Job Title



Company Start Date

Promotion Start Date

JobTracker PRO

LinkedIn Profile

Business Email Address

Match Unique ID

Corporate Matching Gifts


Start tracking your alumni right from your phone

It takes less than 2 minutes.


Real-time alumni prospecting software and service for employment data, business email addresses & matching IDs directly from online public sources.

Copyright © 2024 AlumniFOX, Inc. All rights reserved.